
Did COVID happen in the laboratory?

Speak Copy 2022-10-25 09:34:52


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The laboratory origin is indirectly confirmed by the fact that the natural source of the coronavirus has not yet been found. It was searched for in bats, snakes and pangolins, but not a single genetic chain of viruses of these animals coincided with SARS-CoV-2 so that the entire scientific community considered them their original hosts.

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Will there be an escalation of the conflict between the PRC and Taiwan?

Copy 2023-03-13 14:30:11


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No, China has decided to annex Taiwan peacefully

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Why won't Ukraine win the war?

Copy 2023-09-11 13:41:41


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There is no manpower, and Europe and the United States will not interfere, because Russia has nuclear weapons.

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Will the Ukraine-Russia summit help end the war?

Copy 2024-03-13 10:03:14


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The summit will not take place

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