
What will Trump do as president in 2025

Speak Copy 2023-05-11 12:15:50


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Deal with the issue of the war in Ukraine (if it does not end before the elections), withdraw troops from Syria, make radical changes to US immigration, economic and energy policy. Reduce taxes. Will cut costs

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What will happen to Ukraine after its independence?

Copy 2023-01-30 03:43:02


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In 2026, Ukraine will be admitted to the European Union and it will become a member of NATO

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Will additional sanctions be imposed against China because of Taiwan?

Copy 2022-06-01 14:45:42


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Yes, the US is ready to use all its sanctions tools against China if Beijing takes aggressive actions against Taiwan.

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Why destroy the institution of the family?

Copy 2023-04-10 11:20:37


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The destruction of the family institution is extremely desirable for those states that gravitate towards totalitarianism (even behind the facade of democracy), since it is impossible to establish complete control over a person without educating him from the very action, with the necessary concepts and attitudes put into his head.

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Look at the projections for the next 100 years